Careers in AccountingAccounting along with such field as architecture ,engineering, law ,medicine are recognized as a profession .In accounting the complexity…Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021
Teen should stop idolizing celebritiesIdolizing celebrities is not a bad thing it depends on whom is teenager are idolizing themself on. There are different types of celebrities…Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
How to earn a passive income?Do you wanna be rich? have your own house! be able to buy whatever you want! One of the best ways to earn is a passive income. And I would…Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
Student should be limited to internet accessInternet access should be limited for student. We are living in the age of AI technology. Internet has a lot of advantages for student but…Jun 8, 2021Jun 8, 2021
Poverty cause child laborPoverty causes child labor. Poverty is the main reason of child labor but in real you can say that child labor is the main reason that…Jun 5, 2021Jun 5, 2021
How can we stop child labor?How can we stop child labor? There are lot of ways through which we can stop child labor like by not accepting them to work in mines, in…Jun 5, 2021Jun 5, 2021
Child laborWhat is child labor. Child labor is a issue around the world specially in poor countries. Child labor is basically violations of children’s…Jun 5, 2021Jun 5, 2021